Joshua Qaqtu

Joshua Qaqtu

Joshua Qaqtu (b. 1936) - Artist Biography

Born in 1936, Qaqtu has carved since he was very young, residing for all of his life in Povungnituq, located along the eastern shores of Hudson Bay on the Ungava Peninsula in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec). A carver and printmaker of largely realistic imagery, some of Qaqtu's exhibitions include Inuit Survival at Enook Galleries, Waterloo, Ontario Presented at the University of Waterloo Art Gallery, the Povungnituk Print Collection 1962 and
Spoken in Stone: an exhibition of Inuit Art at Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies. Qaqtu's works are also featured in the collections of the Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, ON, the Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau QC, and the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in Banff, AB.

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