Pauline Conley

Pauline Conley

Artist Biography

Born and raised in Vancouver, Pauline Conley studied fine art and English, and lived on Vancouver Island for several years before moving to Kingston, Ontario.

As a painter she is drawn to the power of the non-representational. In recent years, her images have begun to relax into a sort of representation of the imagined. First, the horizon found its way into her work – the sight line which is the friction point between the elements, and between the known and the unknown. It is a powerful cultural and visual reference point upon which the metaphor of landscape hangs. The horizon eventually became a line in the air, and this line evokes the clothesline, the jet stream, mapped domains, and the ubiquitous bird on a wire. These are the grid lines of our lives – the divisions of space that are as familiar and comforting as the horizon. In the very recent past, a deconstruction of the motifs Conley had been working with has taken hold. Her focus has shifted to the grids and patterns themselves as evocative montages of everyday life - both routine and divine.

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