Pearl Levy

Pearl Levy

Artist Biography

"Perfection is an ideal and as such is unattainable. We are fulfilled instead by our endless pursuit of it. We are all different, and our differences are the sum of our imperfections. Pearl Levy not only recognizes this but celebrates it in her sculptures. Stripped to their essentials, by choice never quite finished, they speak to viewers by way of their differences and their shared imperfections. But her sculptures do more than simply speak to us. They challenge us to respond by acknowledging the infinite variety implicit in our existence, and in doing so, extend to others the respect we wish for ourselves.

Spontaneity is not usually a characteristic of sculpture. Carving stone and casting in bronze are time consuming. Yet Levy manages to infuse her sculptures, stone and bronze alike, with a joyous suddenness, as if they were created where they stand. They reflect Levy's profound respect for her materials as much as they do her own creative strength. That quality, if nothing else, would be enough to ensure their permanence."

— John Meyer, Editor, Magazine'Art

Pearl Levy's work has been collected widely: The Royal Bank of Canada, Bombardier Inc., Montreal, Patters International, Montreal, Merrill Lynch, Quebec, United Nations Association of Canada, Ottawa, Musée de la Ville de Lachine, Quebec and the Royal Caribbean "Voyager of the Seas" cruise line.

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